Community music making and performing arts activities across North Yorkshire and the Dales.

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Professional productions for theatres, voluntary and community arts venues.

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Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.

Main Title

Crusoe's Island - Booking now for 2022

Adapted for the stage by Mark Cronfield

One Man's story of shipwreck, solitude and salvation

In a dynamic one man performance Defoe's classic novel is brought to the stage for its 300th anniversary. Rediscover Crusoe's Island and the story of Yorkshire's world-famous castaway.

Dates available: Contact us to discuss 2021/2022 availability

Fee per performance: Fixed fee and box office split arrangements available

Duration: Approximately 2 hours, including interval

Technical: Acting space minimums - width 18ft x depth 20ft, height 12ft
(We bring our own stage, lights & sound but can connect to in house

Timings: Get in time: 4 hours. Get out time: 1½ hours

Audience: Suitable for a general audience

For more information and to make a booking contact
Colin Bailey on 07711 211169 or Mark Cronfield on 07484 802111 or use the contact form below.

Click here to download booking information


Audience Comments and Reviews

Click here to download reviews and audience Feedback (Jan 2020)

Crusoe's Island - 2022 Performance Dates

Information updating regularly so keep checking this page and follow us on facebook. Last update 17.03.21

We are currently rescheduling and booking new performance dates with venues.
Dates will be added as soon as they are confirmed.

June (2022)

Thursday 23rd - RIPON Arts Hub | HG4 1WB | Click here to book online


Places the show has performed so far...


February (2020)

Saturday 22nd - LANCHESTER Community Centre | DH7 0PB | 01207 521275 | Click here to book online

January (2020)

Saturday 25th - LOCKINGTON Village Hall | YO25 9SN | 01430 810005 or 07758 785223 | Click here to book online

November (2019)

Saturday 30th - HUTTON RUDBY Village Hall | TS15 0HP | 01642 701586 | Click here to book online

Friday 29th - MASHAM Town Hall | HG4 4DY | 01765 680200 | Community Office | Click here to book online

Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th - NEWCASTLE Lit & Phil Library | NE1 1SE | 0191 232 0192 | Click here to book online

Wednesday 20th - GLENTWORTH Village Hall | DN21 5DF | 01427 667118 or 667047 | Click here to book online

Tuesday 19th - LEYBURN Arts & Community Centre | DL8 5DL | 01969 624510 | Click here to book online

Saturday 16th - YARM Fellowship Hall | TS15 9BT | 01642 888786 | Click here to book online

Friday 15th - GILLING WEST Village Hall | DL10 5JG | 01748 850158 | Click here to book online

October (2019)

Saturday 19th - BEDALE, Chantry Hall | DL8 1AB | 01677 426057 | Click here to book online

Friday 18th - REETH Memorial Hall | DL11 6QT | John Little 01748 884759 | Reeth Post Office | Click here to book online

Friday 10th - NORTHALLERTON Forum | DL6 1LP | 01609 776230 | Click here to book online

Friday 4th - KIRKLINGTON Village Hall | DL8 2NJ | Daytime Mon-Fri: 01677 422587/ Evenings & Weekends: 01845 56727 | Click here to book online

September (2019)

Sunday 29th - SETTLE Victoria Hall | BD24 9DZ | 01729 825718 | Click here to book online

Saturday 28th - TORPENHOW Village Hall | CA7 1HT | 01697 371514 | Click here to book online

Friday 27th - WEST BURTON Village Hall | DL8 4JY | 01969 663373 | Click here to book online

Premier Performance - Thursday 19th & Friday 20th - RICHMOND, Georgian Theatre Royal | DL10 4DW | 01748 825252 | Click here to book online

Register your interest or ask for more information...

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About Mark Cronfield

Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe will be Mark’s first major adaptation for the stage. 2019 is the 300th anniversary since this epic adventure of Yorkshires most famous castaway first set sail.

Mark has been a professional Actor for over 20 years and has been a stalwart of North Country Theatre for much of his career with other stage roles for The National Theatre, three over eden, Theatre Hullabaloo and film and TV credits including Hollyoaks and The Descent.

About Mark Cronfield

About Colin Bailey

Colin has been the driving force behind BlueBoxt Productions since it began in 1991 and is looking forward to developing Fell-Foss Theatre's professional touring theatre offer.

He has over 30 years’ experience as an entertainer, musician, educator and project manager in and around the Dales.

He has been administrator for North Country Theatre since 2011 and is greatful for the mentorship and given by Artistic Directior Nobby Dimond.

About Colin Bailey

Working with us - How to Book a Performance.

Whether you are a professional venue manager or a village hall committee, a charity fund raiser, college, castle, a group or an individual You can be the promoter or host a Fell-Foss Theatre show. All you have to do is call, email or complete the contact form and we will be happy to discuss options with you. We’ll also add you to our venues mailing list so you get advance notice of what’s on offer. 

Does it have to be a "proper" theatre space?

No, we are technically self contained and bring just about everything with us - stage, scenery, lighting... and of course actors, we can perform in a variety of spaces. We are used to performing in village halls, arts centres,  large and small theatres, galleries, gardens, churches, hotel ballrooms and even agricultural buildings!

You do of course have to find the audience, sell the tickets and staff the event and you have to have an acting space usually of a minimum size (this is specified on the booking information).

What about publicity?

We can provide the posters, leaflets and other marketing support usually two or three months in advance and for non professional venues we can even provide tickets, online ticket selling and over printing. We are usually booking up to a year in advance of any performance so we advise you register your interest as early as possible and we can provisionally allocate a performance date.

We get a lot of repeat bookings so we try and work as flexibly as possible to keep travel costs to a minimum and allocate preferred dates. It is always helpful to have two or three dates that will work for your venue when you contact us. Remember,  Friday and Saturday dates are very popular so mid week bookings are often worth considering when looking to attract an audience.